Project Description:
The goal of the project was to solve an existing problem in today’s society by designing a brand that works as a cohesive system.
Project Concept:
People who have a compulsive shopping disorder don’t know how to control their impulses because of the desire to want the product. I came up with a design that can help compulsive shoppers restrain themselves from shopping excessively. The plan was inspired by different fashion catalogs that I used to browse through as a child.
I was targeting females with a shopping addiction. I came up with squares that contained feminine colors which include different types of clothing that they wear. The deliverables that I designed were an alert app that can quickly detect if a person is doing way too much wasteful spending. Then, I created a website that can teach people about compulsive shopping disorder and tips on controlling and decreasing their spending habits. Lastly, I came up with a two-month budget planner that the shopper can track their spending.
Class: GR 620 Visual Thinking
Project Type: Branding, Print Design, Digital Design
Date Completed: Spring 2020